Telecommuting Is The Future of Work

In many companies I work with, a certain percentage of employees work from home or are virtual employees – contractors or long-term freelancers. The percentage varies (ASTD, SHRM), from 30 to 45...

What 2013 Teaches Employers For 2014 & Beyond

By Gene Connors and Amanda Haverstick 2013 left employees as the overall victors on the employment law battlefield, by arming them with a host of new statutory rights and options, primarily at the...

Big Liabilities For Uber, Sidecar And Lyft?

Are you sick of waiting for a taxi or limo? If you have a smartphone, you may be able to summon a car in minutes via Uber, Sidecar or Lyft. Lyft has the added visual bonus of a furry pink mustache...

11 Reasons 2014 Will Be A Break-Out Year For Women Entrepreneurs

While women in the upper echelons of corporate America are singing the same old  tune, “Still No Progress After Years of No Progress,” female entrepreneurs have something to rejoice about it. The...

Obama’s New IT Project Initiative – A Step In The Right Direction

 The Wall Street Journal on Saturday had a front page article on the White House initiative to create a new agency to manage large IT projects and increase federal hiring of key IT specialists from...

Five Reasons California’s Energy Efficiency Plan Flopped

On paper, Energy Upgrade California looks like a sure winner. Under the program, California utilities have been offering qualified homeowners $4,500 in matching funds to make their homes more energy...

How To Start a Business In 8 Key Steps

For those of you who have not already started a business, or are trying to figure out how best to start your business, this post will help you learn the 8 key steps of the process. 1. DETERMINE IDEA...

Jobs With Justice: New Campaigns Take Aim At Low Wages, Working Poor, Falling Middle Class

The organized labor movement is changing, reflecting two large-scale trends. On the one hand, union membership – once 35 percent of the U.S. workforce in the 1950s – is at its lowest point in more...

2013 Was The Year Everything Went Right For Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Fighter

Thirteen is looking like the F-35 fighter’s lucky number.  After struggling for a dozen years to make program realities match government expectations, in 2013 prime contractor Lockheed Martin saw...