Entreprenuer Just Made A $1.9 Million Bet On Super Bowl Suites

Part of being a sports fan is the risk you sign on for every year and every game, putting your emotion on the line for a bunch of grown men who generally make more money than you.  John Chen, however...

The Branding Secrets From Social Media Superstars

Ever wonder how certain people become social media superstars? How average, everyday people – not your typical celebrity – amass tens of thousands of Twitter followers, get “verified” on both Twitter...

The App That Zaps Sales Reps, SuperSolver Takes Cues From Apple’s Sales Playbook

David Montoya didn’t like being a lawyer and hated being a CPA. In rapid succession, the MBA with a law degree cycled through a white shoe law firm and a Big Four accounting firm before finally...

NSA Reform: What President Obama Said, And What He Didn’t

President Obama gave a speech this morning outlining changes to be implemented in the NSA phone record surveillance program. The reforms are a result of an in-depth investigation into NSA...