Dismal Wii U Sales Move Nintendo Closer To ‘Game Over’

With the successful launches of the Xbox One and the PS4, it’s been easy to forget that the latest console generation started in November of 2012 with a dud. Nintendo’s Wii U launched with what...

IBM To Spend $1.2B For New Data Centers As Part Of Pre-2015 Spending Spree

A week after announcing it was moving the Watson computer system to New York City as part of a new $1 billion business unit, IBM is squeezing in another major business deal before it reports its...

‘The Banner Saga’ Review: Beautiful, But Not Quite Brilliant (PC)

The moment I laid eyes on indie developer Stoic’s The Banner Saga, I wanted to love everything about it. The art-style is simply jaw-dropping, calling to mind classic Disney—Sword in the Stone comes...

IBM Goes All In On Cloud – Announces A $1.2B Global Service Investment

When Bob Dylan famously crooned that the times they are a-changing he was unlikely to be thinking about the technology marketplace. But his lyrics are apt as I sit and reflect on some news that IBM...

Obama’s Manufacturing Hubs Mean Cronyism, Corporate Welfare And Less Innovation

It’s an endless parade, one  top-down proposal after another from Washington. Having just presided over another 80,000 pages of regulations in the 2013 Federal Register, the launch (so called) of...

The Great Zappos "Circles" Experiment And Why It Really Matters

@giorodriguez  The New Year’s Day hype is deserved, but for reasons that may not yet be visible Funny thing about us humans: we are vulnerable to stories that are framed simplistically. A story with...

‘Dark Souls II’ And The Fate Of The Cursed

Dark Souls never wears its lore on its sleeve, and when it does it’s stitched into the fabric, hidden beneath the folds. There is rarely much in the way of exposition in the game to handily explain...

Net Neutrality Ended Yesterday. Here’s What It Could Mean For Gamers

It’s a brave new world on the internet today. Yesterday, a Federal Appeals court struck down net neutrality, and while it’s a complicated subject, the thrust of it is this: internet providers now...

Six Fitness Problems Fitbit Won’t Solve For You

“Just because I have a fitness app on my phone doesn’t make me an athlete.”  - Dr. Harry Greenspun, Deloitte Center for Health Solutions       2013 was the year that health and fitness devices and...

New Ways For Turning Data Into Dollars Now

By Scott Cameron, Andrew Pickersgill, Rob Turtle Big Data is transforming the way companies do business.  But many firms are finding that it requires significant investments of time and money before...