Why 23andme Deserves A Second Chance

When word came out that the FDA was shutting down the popular Silicon-valley based genetic testing service 23andme, public sentiment was on the side of the company. With that said, proponents of...

"Bangkok shutdown" campaign begins

Thousands took to the streets in Bangkok to express their discontent in the current government administration in Thailand led by prime minister, Yingluck Shinawatra. At 9:00 AM on Monday, protest...

Bangkok’s Shutdown Day Could Last Much Longer

Monday,  January 13, is “Shutdown Day” for the anti-government, anti-election protesters that have been rallying around Bangkok for almost two months. Barring a coup, these rallies intended to...

Top Ten Internet Law Developments of 2013

A look back at the Internet law highlights of 2013: #10: Copyright Defendants Get High-Stakes Wins. 2013 saw several copyright defendants win long-running litigation affairs–and potentially crack...

The Ignorance Of Today’s College Students Shouldn’t Surprise Us

By Blaine McCormick & Burton Folsom What did our students learn during this holiday break between college semesters?  Once finals were over, many probably went to see a movie or took a trip with...

Obama’s New IT Project Initiative – A Step In The Right Direction

 The Wall Street Journal on Saturday had a front page article on the White House initiative to create a new agency to manage large IT projects and increase federal hiring of key IT specialists from...

Jesse ‘The Mind’ Ventura: Snowden A Patriot, Hero

Edward Snowden is a hero and a patriot says ex-Minnesota governor and wrestling star Jesse Ventura. Known in the wrestling ring back in the day as Jesse “The Body”, Ventura called himself Jesse “The...

Salman Khan, The Most Influential Person In Education Technology

I have had the good fortune of speaking with good number of the leaders in education technology today. Since so many of these players have emerged from academe, the competition between companies is...