To Get Funded On Kickstarter, Talk About Cats And Karma (And Don’t Grovel)

If you’ve contributed to a lot of strangers’ Kickstarter campaigns, you no doubt thought you were giving money to projects you saw as having particular social value, utility or artistic merit. In...

Why Even North Korea Outpaces The U.S. In Credit Card Security

The ever-worsening news from Target’s breach of credit card and customer data highlights the need to implement a more secure U.S. system to process our card payments. In recent articles, I have...

Bitcoin Anonymity Upgrade Zerocoin To Become An Independent Cryptocurrency

When a group of cryptographers launched Zerocoin last year, they hoped their cryptography project could upgrade Bitcoin to be as anonymous as its most privacy-focused users have always wanted it to...

The Secret To "Having It All"

It was 1:45 PM on a Wednesday. I was sweating bullets as I ran to catch the train. I wasn’t headed to one of my usual big client meetings or a new business pitch. I was headed off to my job as Troop...

When The Time For The Big Cashout Comes, You’ll Wish You’d Planned For It Earlier

Congratulations. Your hard work and entrepreneurial instincts have paid off in the form of a fast-growing, profitable business that’s worth millions of dollars, or could be some day. And you’re only...

In 2014, Accomplish More By Doing Less

Instead of bullying yourself into adopting new practices that are designed to overhaul your life for the better in 2014, consider finding the path to success by simply doing less. The arctic blast of...

How Hybrid Publishers Innovate To Succeed

The intensity of competition in an industry is neither a matter of coincidence nor bad luck Michael Porter, Competitive Strategy The publishing industry has been challenged by the online sales...

Whisper: How To Tell Secrets Without Revealing Yourself

A whisper, even the sound of the word, is somewhat whimsical. In a lowered tone, a voice says something softly, briefly. You can see this happening: One person tells another a certain little...

Is Veeam The Next $Billion Virtualization and Cloud Software Company?

A Series of Forbes Insights Profiles of Thought Leaders Changing the Business Landscape:  Ratmir Timashev, Founder and CEO, Veeam… You don’t often hear “Russia” and “successful entrepreneur” in the...