Predictions for 2014 for Technology

New year always comes with lots of new hopes, ideas and even predictions. What will happen in new year? This is the favorite question of almost every one at start of new year. 2014 is just 4 days...

Predictions for 2014

The new year of 2014 is just 5 days away from us. We will go into this year with lots of good and bad memories of this year. If we talk about tech world, it is growing rapidly. Every year, thousands...

The Top Apps And Games To Get You Started With Your Smartphone This Christmas

The wrapping paper is strewn across the floor, the shrink-wrap is but a memory, the packaging has been burst open, and your new Christmas smartphone is finally in your hand. Once the SIM card is in,...

Holiday Gift Guide 2013: Samsung WB30F16.2MP Smart Wi-Fi Digital Camera at $121.15 only

I4U New Holiday Gift Guide hardly takes any rest and it is always busy in bringing the latest new, gift tips, hot deals and offers for the followers. We are always on the hunt for the great deals...

Google Challenges Microsoft and Amazon in Matters of Cloud Computing

Google is indeed the big daddy of search engine companies. And it has the whole world virtually wrapped around its finger. But now it is aiming for the moon in its favorite moon-shot style of goal-...

Apple claims that iCloud Keychain stores passwords locally

According to this document, Apple claims that it can sync passwords across various devices from the company without storing these passwords in the Cloud. If this is true, Apple's latest application...

Apple Looks to Hire BlackBerry Employees in Waterloo

BlackBerry is to downsize by a whopping 40%. Apple is set on hiring the sacked staff of BlackBerry. In fact, it has pitched its tents right near the firm’s headquarters. The seduction goes beyond...

Larry Ellison Offers New Server and Faster Databases at Oracle OpenWorld

What is life like in the fast lane? Oracle’s latest in-memory databases do the job of relaying data from disk drives to microchips. The CEO, Larry Ellison spoke of how operations and online e-...