Booger & Lewis Geek Out About ‘King Of The Nerds’

When the second season of TBS’s reality TV competition King of the Nerds begins tonight, viewers can expect the program to reach nerdier heights than ever. Just ask two of the most iconic nerds in...

Display Ads are as Compelling As TV Spots

In the lobby of Google’s Building 900 at its Mountain View headquarters, there’s a display of Google-colored squares and rectangles that looks like a bland abstract-art piece. It turns out these are...

Raiders Cheerleaders Sue Team

Everybody knows that Cheerleading is a calling and that the girls (and some boys) are not in it for the money. There should be though some reasonable compensation, you would think. The Oakland...

Bonanno Crime Family Indicted in 1978 Heist

It’s been awhile since the JFK Airport heist aboard a Lufthansa airplane occurred. The aircraft was carrying money and jewelry worth $5 million and $1 million respectively. It got stolen and the case...

Toyota Prius Offers Best Value

Toyota beats its rivals General Motors and Volkswagen again to maintain its title of world's biggest automaker. Toyota today reports highest-ever annual sales volume. The Japanese auto giant sold 9....

Working From Home? 11 Ways To Stay Motivated

I haven’t had any coworkers in five years now. Well, at least none that I see or hear on a daily basis. I’m a freelance journalist, one of many occupations these days that allows the complete and...

The Cloud is Powered by Coal

“Americans use too much energy” is one of the most politically correct things you can say—but it’s wrong. My favorite response to that complaint is by the great energy commentator Robert Bryce, who...