New Take on Google Glass

I’ve come around a bit on Google Glass.  Not entirely, but perhaps 270°. To clarify, I’d be surprised if I ever adopted Glass personally.  I’m just an old guy, stuck in some rut from the...

Why Investors Should Worry About Cleantech’s Response To 60 Minutes

Two weeks ago, 60 Minutes aired a 14-minute segment called “The Cleantech Crash.” The segment was not well-received by the cleantech industry. Climate Progress dismissed it as a “hit job.”...

5 Entrepreneurship Lessons to Take from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

As we celebrate the life, achievements, and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., entrepreneurs should take note of five important business lessons that can be learned from him, and his role in the...

Google and the Social CRM Business

Relax, CRM vendors. Google is not getting into the customer relationship management business (CRM) anytime soon. But they should. Google seems to understand the Social CRM needs of small and medium...

Barbara Bush Is Right About Political Dynasties, But America Would Elect Jeb Bush Anyway

“If we can’t find more than two or three families to run for office, that’s silly, because there are great governors and great eligible people to run.  And I think that the Kennedys, Clintons, Bushes...

Best Diet Plans

They say the word diet contains the word “die”. And this may be one reason no one likes to diet. It is a boring and tasteless process that leaves you exhausted and craving all the delicious junk food...

Nintendo’s Imagined Success Is More Dangerous Than Their Current Failure

There’s big news today that Nintendo has drastically revised their fiscal year forecast of Wii U sales, cutting the prediction from 9 million to 2.8 million,  just a few months before the goal was...

‘The Banner Saga’ Review: Beautiful, But Not Quite Brilliant (PC)

The moment I laid eyes on indie developer Stoic’s The Banner Saga, I wanted to love everything about it. The art-style is simply jaw-dropping, calling to mind classic Disney—Sword in the Stone comes...