Exorcism Deaths by Mentally Ill Mother

Zakieya Avery had four children, of which two were killed when she repeatedly stabbed them with a knife in a supposed exorcism. While they were asleep, she perpetrated the heinous acts which led to...

Yahoo’s COO de Castro Hit Two Of The Three Main Causes Of Executive Onboarding Failure

It’s not a surprise that Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer has fired COO Henrique De Castro. Yes. He was her first big hire. Yes. It is going to cost Yahoo crazy amounts of money to pay him off. But he does...

If You Doubt That Social Media Has Changed The World, Take A Look At Ukraine

When the Arab Spring erupted in 2010, one of the first things people noticed was the very visible role social media seemed to play.  Many began to call the series of political uprisings “Twitter...

Jennifer Nettles launches her first solo album "That Girl"

Sugarland's Jennifer Nettles has launched her first solo album titled "That Girl." The 11-song album is produced by the popular record producer Frederick Jay "Rick" Rubin.Recorded at Rubin's Shangri-...

Monster Drinks Face Challenges Despite High Sales

Monster drinks have made it big. They are in demand especially by teenagers and athletes who get a high from the caffeine contained within the drinks. Such is the popularity of Monster drinks that...

FiLIP Is The Smartphone For Kids Too Young To Have A Smartphone

Sometime around the middle of last year I first heard of the FiLIP. The device is billed as a wearable smart locator and phone for kids, which is an accurate description, but doesn’t fully capture...

The Secret To "Having It All"

It was 1:45 PM on a Wednesday. I was sweating bullets as I ran to catch the train. I wasn’t headed to one of my usual big client meetings or a new business pitch. I was headed off to my job as Troop...

Joe Carnahan on Directing ‘The Blacklist’, Slowing Down His New Film ‘Stretch’, and His Future In Both Mediums

With current TV projects like The Blacklist and active film projects like Stretch, it’s hard to believe Joe Carnahan would have any time to speak about his evolving career. But in this exclusive...

What’s Going On With Lara Croft’s New Look In Her PS4/Xbox One Revamp?

There will likely be many current-gen games reformatted for the next generation of consoles when all is said and done, but precious few have been announced to date. One of them is 2013′s Tomb Raider...