Grammys Taxes and the IRS

The Grammys award show is a big production, which calls Music’s Biggest Night. Awards are coveted for their status and industry recognition, but they can increase performer...

Macintosh At 30: Interesting, Profound And Curious Things Said About the Mac

— The Macintosh ‘speaking,’ with help from a computer-generated voice narrator, at its introduction by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs on January 24, 1984 at the Flint Center in Cupertino, California....

Maria Conchita Alonso evicted from Vagina Monologues after Controversial Ad

She has appeared on screen countless times. Female thespian, Maria Conchita Alonso has played roles in The Running Man with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Moscow on the Hudson alongside Robbin Williams. A...

After 30 Years, Con Edison’s Customers Stop Paying Madison Square Garden’s Electric Bills

Thank you, Consolidated Edison of New York. I never expected to write that, but I felt obliged to applaud the Big Apple's biggest energy utility for pulling the plug on one of the most perverse...

Tech industry: Obama’s NSA reforms ‘insufficient’

Tech industry group calls Obama's NSA speech 'thoughtful, but insufficient' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Technology companies and industry groups took President Barack Obama's speech on U.S....

High court takes cases on cellphone searches

Supreme Court will weigh police power to search arrestees' cellphones without a warrant WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court agreed Friday to decide whether police need a warrant to...

A Leading 3PL Creates a Warehousing Template for Success

For years, warehouse management system (WMS) suppliers have been introducing “template” solutions. These template solutions are either industry specific or are based upon getting a simpler...

Judge to Apple: Reboot relationship with monitor

NY judge says Apple's opposition to e-books monitor proves the wisdom of his appointment NEW YORK (AP) — A judge on Thursday urged Apple to reboot its relationship with a monitor...