Steve Jobs Did Not Liberate Us. Tim Berners-Lee Did, By Freeing Ones and Zeros To Eat the World

30 years ago today, Steve Jobs unveiled the Macintosh. More accurately, The Great Magician took it out of a bag and let it talk to us. The Macintosh, as I learned from first-hand experience in 1984,...

Display Ads are as Compelling As TV Spots

In the lobby of Google’s Building 900 at its Mountain View headquarters, there’s a display of Google-colored squares and rectangles that looks like a bland abstract-art piece. It turns out these are...

Huge Internet Attack in China Leads to Investigation

Many people were taken on a detour recently when they opened up their usually restricted sites in the People’s Republic of China. The rerouting led them to an anti-censorship site known as DIT...

Google Ad Chief Susan Wojcicki Talks about Next Big Battle

Straightforward and unflashy, Susan Wojcicki doesn’t come off like the most powerful woman in advertising that Forbes and others have labeled her. When we meet outside her office at the Googleplex in...

HBO, Showtime, and Starz say they didn’t lose subscribers to Netflix and others

This week a report came out from NPD that says the major pay TV networks like HBO, Showtime, and Starz are losing their subscribers to streaming services like Netflix, Amazon, and others. Showtime,...

Google is Already The King Of Online Advertising, but that is not Enough

Forget wearable computers and self-driving cars. The search giant will continue its dominance by sticking with its advertising roots – taking $40 billion out of the hides of some very familiar...

Verizon buys Intel TV Unit

Verizon prepares to deliver mobile TV service after buying Intel Media unit LOS ANGELES (AP) — Someday, the full lineup of channels from Verizon's FiOS TV service may be available on your phone. That...

Dr Dre’s Beats Music Service Launched Today

Finally, Dr Dre’s brainchild has entered the scene and it looks like it is here to stay. Beats Music comes with unlimited streaming service. You get to choose from millions upon millions of songs by...

Court Prods FCC In Unexpected Direction In Last Week’s Verizon Ruling

By Andy Oram A court ruling this past Tuesday on FCC “network neutrality” regulation closes and opens a few paths in a three-way chess game that has been going on for years between the US District...