Should Digital Health Startups Prioritize Eyeballs or Revenue?

The good news, I guess, is that the well-worn “eyeballs versus revenue” debate – a dialog that has beset the tech world for years – has at long last reached digital health, suggesting that now there...

Sprint announces LG G Flex Pre-orders, Launch on January 31

Wireless carrier Sprint has announced that it has begun taking pre-orders for the LG G Flex smartphone. The smartphone has a curved 6-inch screen and is the first smartphone to feature a curved...

Worldwide Travel, Write It Up, Write It Off

You have to admit it sounds awfully good. Travel the world, write your experiences, and write off all your expenses on your taxes. Trouble is, someone thought of it before you, and the IRS said no....

Judge to Apple: Reboot relationship with monitor

NY judge says Apple's opposition to e-books monitor proves the wisdom of his appointment NEW YORK (AP) — A judge on Thursday urged Apple to reboot its relationship with a monitor...

Apple agrees to refund $32.5M for kids’ purchases

Apple to refund $32.5M to parents who say they unwittingly OK'd purchases during kids' games WASHINGTON (AP) — Plenty of parents have been there — handing over the iPhone or iPad to a...

AXE Super Bowl 2014 Ad Released as Extended Version

The Super Bowl 2014 takes place on February 2, 2014 and will have besides the big game a huge line-up of Super Bowl ads. Fox managed to charge $4 million on average for 30 second spots. Today AXE...

Woods Hole Launches Crowd-Sourced Ocean Radiation Testing

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution launched a crowd-sourced and crowd-funded project yesterday to monitor radiation levels in seawater along the West Coast of North America. The project, led...

Medicine Or Mass Murder? Guideline Based on Discredited Research May Have Caused 800,000 Deaths In Europe Over The Last 5 Years

Last summer British researchers provoked concern when they published a paper raising the possibility that by following an established guideline UK doctors may have caused as many as 10,000 deaths...