Power May Cause Distrust

 Does your boss always punish you? If so, he or she may be afraid of losing the power and position, reveals a study. The findings showed that distrust is the main reason why leaders impose...

Steve Jobs Did Not Liberate Us. Tim Berners-Lee Did, By Freeing Ones and Zeros To Eat the World

30 years ago today, Steve Jobs unveiled the Macintosh. More accurately, The Great Magician took it out of a bag and let it talk to us. The Macintosh, as I learned from first-hand experience in 1984,...

Display Ads are as Compelling As TV Spots

In the lobby of Google’s Building 900 at its Mountain View headquarters, there’s a display of Google-colored squares and rectangles that looks like a bland abstract-art piece. It turns out these are...

Working From Home? 11 Ways To Stay Motivated

I haven’t had any coworkers in five years now. Well, at least none that I see or hear on a daily basis. I’m a freelance journalist, one of many occupations these days that allows the complete and...

BMW Throws Down The Green Gauntlet At The Detroit Auto Show

This year in Detroit BMW showed a slew of new, small cars like the 1- and 2-Series, and a lighter-weight M3 and M4, in its latest effort to tighten and refine its burgeoning lineup. Mercedes, with...

5 Reasons Nest Sold To Google

The big obsession yesterday was with why Google spent $3.2 billion on startup Nest Labs. But lost in the shuffle of the breathtaking price and lots of questionable speculation about whether this is...

8 Qualities That Make Leaders Extraordinarily Memorable

Leaders that strive to be significant seek to create the greatest impact and influence.   These are the types of leaders that we value the most; inspired by their courage and resiliency, we seek to...

Self-Evaluations: The Key To Career Development

After the end of the fiscal year, many companies ask employees to complete self-evaluations. These self-evaluations are then reviewed by the employee’s manager and, often times, included in the...