Bitcoin Breaks Out, You Can Now Pay The IRS In Cryptocurrency

As bitcoin moves away from being known only to the tech cognoscenti and becomes a real viable currency that is adopted broadly, more organizations arise that look to leverage all this attention and...

A $100 Worth Of Litecoin A Year Ago Is Worth $30,000 Today

Last month, we subjected readers to a hindsight lament: How you should have spent $100 at the beginning of 2013. Using the Forbes time travel machine, we went back to last January and dropped...

China Bites Into Bitcoin

Bitcoins were worth nothing in 2009, when the digital cryptocurrency was first minted on the computer of its mysterious creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, who claimed to live in Japan. Four years later the...

Bitcoin’s Incredible Year

Last year at this time, valued at just $13.50, one Bitcoin could get you a movie ticket if you could find a theater that had 1) heard of Bitcoin and 2) accepted it. Fat chance. Luckily, Bitcoin...