Avatar Sequel 2, 3 and 4 Coming

Fox Studio announced that Avatar stars Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana signed a deal for three more Avatar Sequels. Director James Cameron will shoot all three Avatar sequel at the same time. The...

SEMI: Forecasts are Positive at Annual ISS Conference

In a press release issued January 14, semiconductor industry association SEMI provided synopses of key presentations at its Industry Strategy Symposium (ISS) being held in Half Moon Bay, California...

Why Even North Korea Outpaces The U.S. In Credit Card Security

The ever-worsening news from Target’s breach of credit card and customer data highlights the need to implement a more secure U.S. system to process our card payments. In recent articles, I have...

Machine-To-Machine Market Poised For Take Off

The machine-to-machine market (M2M) has been like that twinkling star that floats somewhere off in the distance. You know it’s there, but can’t really get your head around what it is or will mean to...

A Look Back At 2013 Predictions: What Worked, What Didn’t

I thought it was a good point to review my pontificating in 2013. So I’ve pulled all my articles from the year to see if I’m a dunce. This is what I found from the run up to summer 2013: The U.K....

Facebook – The One Stock to Own/Buy in 2014

Most investors really aren’t. They are traders.  They sell too fast, and make too many transactions. That’s why most small “investors” don’t do as well as the market averages.  In fact, most don’t...