Google builds a ‘Nest’ for future of smart homes

Google counts on latest acquisition to open doors as homes get smarter in digital world SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — When our Internet-connected gadgets and home appliances all learn to talk to...

Bringing Unstructured Data Into D&B Products

Business data stalwart Dun & Bradstreet has been delivering business intelligence to corporations for well over 100 years but until now that information was made up from highly structured data...

Xbox 360 Tops 2013 UK Sales Chart – But PS4 Beats Xbox One

After an endless series of articles reporting on the early lead taken over Microsoft and the Xbox One by Sony's rival PlayStation 4  - with Sony’s next-gen darling currently over a million sales...

Telecommuting Is The Future of Work

In many companies I work with, a certain percentage of employees work from home or are virtual employees – contractors or long-term freelancers. The percentage varies (ASTD, SHRM), from 30 to 45...

John Mackey, Co-CEO of Whole Foods, and Marc Gafni on "The Unique Self of Business."

John Mackey, the co-CEO of Whole Foods, is the author (with Raj Sisodia) of Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business of Capitalism. Philosopher Marc Gafni, Ph.D., president of...

The Coming Patentocalpyse

At 7:30 pm on December last year, when New York City was getting ready to celebrate the end of 2013, Anthony Hayes was driving to the offices of Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP, a securities law...

Are GMO-free Cheerios the First Domino?

Activists are trumpeting General Mills’ decision to remove GMOs from Cheerios as a watershed moment. It is; but not for the reason that they believe. The move was relatively easy and inexpensive....

IBM’s Watson supercomputer gets its own business

IBM "Jeopardy!" champ computer Watson gets its own business unit, NYC headquarters NEW YORK (AP) — One of the most famous "Jeopardy!" champs of all time is moving to Manhattan...