With This T-Shirt, They’ll Understand You Anywhere In The World


You’re dying to travel, but maybe the thought of going somewhere you don’t speak the language intimidates you? Well, you should get yourself the IconSpeak T-Shirt. The front of the shirt is covered in a grid containing 40 different icons for a wide variety of things you might need while on your travels. If you want someone to understand you, simply point to them. Want some place to sleep? There’s an icon for that. Need the police? Well… you get the idea. It’s $33, and comes in a few different styles and several sizes.


[ Product Page ] VIA [ NoPuedoCreer ]

Characters Climb Your Cords with the Scaler Series

Cords and cables are boring and they get in the way. At least you can add some flair to your wires with one or two of these little things called Scalers. These will look great hanging from your headphone cables too.

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Made by NECA, these little movie characters look adorable and they just snap onto almost any cord. The currently available Scaler 1 series features all the best bad guys like: Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, the Predator and more! While the Scaler 2 series features Batman, The Joker, Spider-Man, and even the Knifehead from Pacific Rim and is available for pre-order with shipping scheduled for July of 2014.

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These guys look pretty awesome and you have a lot to choose from. Buy them all and hang them everywhere. Your house will look super geeky.

[via Nerd Approved]

Macintosh At 30: Interesting, Profound And Curious Things Said About the Mac

— The Macintosh ‘speaking,’ with help from a computer-generated voice narrator, at its introduction by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs on January 24, 1984 at the Flint Center in Cupertino, California....

Apple’s Mac still Big Influencer, 30 years after Debut

Apple's Mac still influences computing today, 30 years after its debut NEW YORK (AP) — Look around. Many of the gadgets you see drew inspiration from the original Mac computer. Computers at the time...

The Apple Macintosh And 30 Years Of Changing

Today marks the 30 year anniversary of the Apple Macintosh personal computer, a tool that I have used almost every day of my professional life for almost that entire span. I feel particularly...

BlackBerry opening up to native Android apps

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Jolla Review: Some Rough Edges, But This Linux Smartphone Shows Promise

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CES 2014 in Las Vegas Highlights: Precognition algorithms from Quantum Interface

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CES 2014 in Las Vegas Highlights: COOKOO smart watch from ConnecteDevice Ltd

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