Yota Phone Review: The Android Smartphone From Russia With Two Screens

Last year at CES, Russian manufacturer Yota demonstrated a prototype smartphone with two 4.3 inch displays, an LCD screen on one side and an e-Ink screen on the reverse. Now in production and...

Smart Entrepreneurs Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions — They Do This Instead

Apply the Pareto Principle to New Year’s resolutions and it’s not a pretty sight. Yes — I am willing to bet at least 80% of resolutions made as part of our yearly ritual do not come to fruition....

Cholesterol Controlling Surgery

Weight loss surgery may reduce the ageing process significantly. Patients who lost nearly half their weight emerged from the operations appearing younger than usual. It appears that their telomeres...

Three Reasons Apple Should Outperform The Market In 2014

Tim Cook gets paid more if Apple stock outperforms the S&P 500 index in 2014. His compensation is structured in a way that pays him more when his efforts reward shareholders. What’s not for...

Weight Loss Surgery Reverse Aging

Weight loss surgery may reduce the aging process significantly. Patients who lost nearly half their weight emerged from the operations appearing younger than usual. It appears that their telomeres...

So The NSA Only Collects Metadata? Not So Fast, It’s Easy To Link That To People And Phone Numbers

One of the defences of the NSA’s spying attempts data collection to improve the nation’s security has been that they’re only actually capturing the metadata. They’re not capturing the underlying...

How ‘Right This Minute’ Helps Merge Internet And Television

I’ve written a few times recently about the ways new content models are emerging online and influencing film, television, and studio marketing. We’re used to seeing television and film content ending...

To Foster Your Creativity, Don’t Learn To Code; Learn To Paint

Earlier this month, Samuel Arbesman argued in Wired that the world needs more generalists, dabblers and polymaths. He notes (and he’s certainly not the first to note) that the body of scientific and...

Problems With The iOS 7 Jailbreak Over Taig And Pirate Apps

The newly released jailbreak for iOS 7 appears to have run into a few teething problems. Specifically, inside the jailbreak was a connection to Taig and that in itself appeared to be feeding data out...