The Five Most Disruptive Innovations at CES 2014

The launch this week of our Big Bang Disruption book added significant urgency to our annual search for the biggest disruptors at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. After all,...

Frozen Niagara Falls is Beautiful

The moment was captured in the form of photographs and it defied the imagination. The deluge of water cascading down the cliff was almost frozen in time. Niagara Falls started forming icicles and...

A Look Back At 2013 Predictions: What Worked, What Didn’t

I thought it was a good point to review my pontificating in 2013. So I’ve pulled all my articles from the year to see if I’m a dunce. This is what I found from the run up to summer 2013: The U.K....

Are GMO-free Cheerios the First Domino?

Activists are trumpeting General Mills’ decision to remove GMOs from Cheerios as a watershed moment. It is; but not for the reason that they believe. The move was relatively easy and inexpensive....

10 Questions You’d Better Ask Your Boss

10 Questions You'd Better Ask Your Boss I once worked on a team that helped produce a nightly television news show. The format didn’t vary much, the deadlines were the same every night and my...

‘Fortune 500 Companies Seek StartUp Mojo’…And Promptly Look In The Wrong Place

You may have missed it over the holidays, but The Wall Street Journal had a fascinating blog about big companies and entrepreneurship. Rachel King wrote: “In 2013, corporations worked to create...

Yahoo’s Advertising Reboot Still A Work In Progress

Yahoo announced some interesting products during CEO Marissa Mayer’s keynote speech at CES Tuesday in Las Vegas–a couple of digital magazines (food and tech), a news digest app, and a new smart TV...

Invest In The Disruptors Of The Real Estate Industry

Despite the prospect of rising interest rates, years of oversupply and falling prices, the real estate market has sprung to life in most of the country over the last year. Even in some of the areas...

Money From Nothing

IMAGINE SOMEONE handing you money for something you own in exchange for the right to buy it at a certain price for a limited period of time. It would be unusual to strike this kind of deal for your...