How A Little Caffeine Can Boost Your Memory

If you’re trying to commit a set of items to memory, you may want to give your brain a bit of caffeine. But how you time it matters, finds a new study out today in Nature Neuroscience. The...

Steal These Four Secrets To Sell Like A Pro

“I can help you if you want my help. Do you?” – Paul Lemberg, author, speaker and Fortune 100 business coach I met Paul Lemberg, world-class business coach, and Rhonda Anderson, sales analyst, at...

3-D printing set to break out of niche

3-D printing set to break out of niche, into mouths (candy) and onto fingers (diamond rings) LAS VEGAS (AP) — Some of the oddest items on display this week at International CES gadget...

Frozen Niagara Falls is Beautiful

The moment was captured in the form of photographs and it defied the imagination. The deluge of water cascading down the cliff was almost frozen in time. Niagara Falls started forming icicles and...

Audrina Patridge Fakes it on “The Hills”

She has finally admitted to the truth. Audrina Patridge spoke openly in a recent interview about the time she spent on Reality TV show “The Hills”. According to Audrina, many times the partially...

Frozen Pipes: How to Cope with Them

This winter is the worst in two decades. The last time such extremes of frost occurred it was the year 1994. And with the snowy blizzards and cold and cruel howling winds come many nuisances. A major...

Your next TV: Will it be Ultra HD?

TV manufacturers and content companies bank on mainstream adoption of Ultra HD TVs LAS VEGAS (AP) — After attempts to hawk 3-D and OLED TVs fizzled in recent years, television...

Twitter founder unveils search app tied to photos

Twitter founder Biz Stone seeks to help people find answers with photo-driven 'Jelly' app SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Twitter co-founder Biz Stone hopes to demonstrate that a picture can be...

Business’s Worst Nightmare: Big Bang Disruption

“Address books, video cameras, pagers, wristwatches, maps, books, travel games, flashlights, home telephones, dictation recorders, cash registers, Walkmen, Day-Timers, alarm clocks, answering...