Steve Jobs Did Not Liberate Us. Tim Berners-Lee Did, By Freeing Ones and Zeros To Eat the World

30 years ago today, Steve Jobs unveiled the Macintosh. More accurately, The Great Magician took it out of a bag and let it talk to us. The Macintosh, as I learned from first-hand experience in 1984,...

Display Ads are as Compelling As TV Spots

In the lobby of Google’s Building 900 at its Mountain View headquarters, there’s a display of Google-colored squares and rectangles that looks like a bland abstract-art piece. It turns out these are...

AARP Chooses Jack Ryan for Grownups

We have all read the label of PG on several movies. It stands for parental guidance. Of course, in an increasing violent and chaotic world, children must be guided by their guardians as to what lies...

Tesla Expands Supercharger network in Europe

Tesla has announced that it has expanded its Supercharger network in Europe. the electric carmaker has opened new Supercharger locations that connect the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and...

Startup Kateeva Aimes at Killing LCD TV Displays

There are few problems harder in technology than bringing a new type of display to market. Since the invention of television and the CRT in the early 1900s, it’s been successfully pulled off twice....

Court Prods FCC In Unexpected Direction In Last Week’s Verizon Ruling

By Andy Oram A court ruling this past Tuesday on FCC “network neutrality” regulation closes and opens a few paths in a three-way chess game that has been going on for years between the US District...

Wind Energy Of No Use In The Pacific Northwest

I am all for a diverse energy portfolio and truly believe we can get to the 1/3-1/3-1/3 mix that we’ve put forward by 2040. A third fossil, a third nuclear and a third renewable would be sustainable...