Apple’s Mac still Big Influencer, 30 years after Debut

Apple's Mac still influences computing today, 30 years after its debut NEW YORK (AP) — Look around. Many of the gadgets you see drew inspiration from the original Mac computer. Computers at the time...

GoPro unveils camera kit aimed at the musically inclined rather than daredevils

GoPro has been making the most popular small action camera on the market and has spawned a number of competing products over the years. The cameras are available in different kits that are designed...

Are you Buying Fitness Wearables From Electronics Companies?

Having spent the week at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), it would appear that fitness & sport tech has started to reach mainstream prominence.  In a way it has, in others...

How the Duolingo Founders Offered Free Education To Millions

As stars fill the night sky in Veracruz, Mexico, 23-year-old Uziel Alejandro López kicks back at home to play on his Android smartphone. His thumbs breeze over the brightly colored screen, but this...

Working From Home? 11 Ways To Stay Motivated

I haven’t had any coworkers in five years now. Well, at least none that I see or hear on a daily basis. I’m a freelance journalist, one of many occupations these days that allows the complete and...

Netflix Can Make The Public To Care About Net Neutrality

I’m not the first person to say that if you want to get Americans to care about an issue, hit them in their pocketbooks. Which is why Netflix—purveyor of fine streaming content to more than 40...