Working From Home? 11 Ways To Stay Motivated

I haven’t had any coworkers in five years now. Well, at least none that I see or hear on a daily basis. I’m a freelance journalist, one of many occupations these days that allows the complete and...

Jamaican Bobsled Team Seeks Funding for Winter Olympics

The twin athletes from Jamaica who have qualified for the Sochi Olympics are having pecuniary problems. Way back in 1988, the Jamaican bobsled team got medals in memory of which a movie by the name...

Worldwide Travel, Write It Up, Write It Off

You have to admit it sounds awfully good. Travel the world, write your experiences, and write off all your expenses on your taxes. Trouble is, someone thought of it before you, and the IRS said no....

For Obama, NSA review a quest for public trust

For Obama, NSA review a quest to regain public trust in surveillance operations WASHINGTON (AP) — Faced with Edward Snowden's first leaks about the government's sweeping surveillance...

Apple agrees to refund $32.5M for kids’ purchases

Apple to refund $32.5M to parents who say they unwittingly OK'd purchases during kids' games WASHINGTON (AP) — Plenty of parents have been there — handing over the iPhone or iPad to a...

Asimov’s Vision Of 2014 And A Legacy Of Looking Forward

Asimov was not only one of the greatest science fiction writers of his generation; he was a prolific author of popular science books (e.g. Guide to Science, Understanding Physics and Asimov’s...

3 Tips For Disconnecting Kids From Over-Stimulation, Video Games, And Digital Media

Do your kids need to disconnect? Are video games and the proliferation of mobile devices making us expect constant stimulation? Are we raising a generation of kids that believe they are entitled to...